We all know the now famous quote, "All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not." Well, this point is regurgitated in the latest WT, along with yet another new bunker scene:
"During the great tribulation, we may receive instructions that
seem strange, impractical, or illogical . . . . If you trust the
direction we receive today and readily
obey, you will likely do the same during
the great tribulation."
It's weird that they step it up a few degrees, not just whether it's "sound...or not", but downright "strange, impractical, or illogical". Can't argue with that!
Then there's a scenario described as follows:
"A single sister would like to purchase a pair of slacks, so she asks a mature sister for her honest opinion about the selection."
Yeah I don't know. What's more realistic is an elderette offering her opinion unsolicited, or better yet offering it to others behind your back. But on the bright side, both men AND women are susceptible to tight pants. (I almost forgot the women's versions are called Spanx according to AM💩.)
Then there's a paragraph that tries to sound so reasonable:
Suppose an elder is concerned about a fellow believer’s choices in dress or grooming. The elder could ask himself, ‘Is there a Scriptural reason to say something?’ Conscious of the need to be objective, he
might ask another elder or mature publisher for his thoughts. Together they might review Paul’s counsel on dress and grooming. (Read 1 Timothy 2:9,10.) Paul outlined certain broad principles, observing that a Christian’s dress
should be appropriate, modest, and sensible. But Paul did not make a list of dos
and don’ts. He recognized that Christians have a right to express their individual taste within Scriptural limits. So
in determining whether counsel is needed, the elders should consider if the person’s choices reflect modesty and good sense.
We do well to realize that two mature Christians may make different
choices, both of which are acceptable. We should not impose our own standards of right and wrong on fellow believers.
And yet, we know full well what would happen if a JW was dressed and groomed neatly, cleanly and of the highest standards of most areas of society . . . and yet declined to wear a skirt, or declined to wear a suit jacket, or grew a beard, etc.